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2023 Legislative Guide

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BEHIND THE SCENES"THE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE"The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice Legislative Committee andGovernmental Liaison team workstireless during the sessionadvocating for law enforcementofficers in Louisiana.Preparation continues well beforethe Session commences. Legislative advocacy is a yearround priority for the LAFOP.The most important component isyou, the member, becoming part ofour grassroots effort utilizing VoterVoice and contacting your localRepresentative and Senators to letthem know you're part of theLouisiana FOP.DAWN POWELL, CHAIRWOMANSaint Tammany #17JAMES GALLAGHERCrescent City #2PAT YOESSaint Charles #15KELLY GIBSONLafayette #5WILLIE JENKINSCrescent City #2CRAIG RUSSELLJAMES FOLKSBaton Rouge # 1Corbet W. Penton #47DONOVAN LIVACARRIGeneral CounselWALTER TAYLORJambalaya #16

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Mapes and Mapes is proud to represent Louisiana's menand women rank and file law enforcement officers.. Theyare the professionals that defend the line between peaceand chaos. Together we have built the strongest grassroots effort for lawenforcement in Louisiana to protect those that protect us,municipal police officers, deputies, probation and paroleagents, and a host of other law enforcement professionals.We will continue to provide the best for our clients, the menand women of Louisiana's law enforcement, who protect useveryday from the things we fear the most. Mapes and Mapeshas prepared a seat at the table for law enforcement at theLouisiana Capitol, remember: If you're not at the table your're onthe menu!!!OUR TEAMGovermatal Liasons

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HB 85CRIMEState RepresentativeMichael T. JohnsonRepublican District 27The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice SUPPORTS this LegislationAbstract: Creates the crime of approaching a law enforcement officerwho is lawfully engaged in his law enforcement duties and provides forpenalties. Proposed law provides that no person shall knowingly or intentionallyapproach within 25 feet of a law enforcement officer who is lawfullyengaged in the execution of his official duties after the lawenforcement officer has ordered a person to stop approaching. Proposed law defines "law enforcement officer" as any commissionedpolice officer, sheriff, deputy sheriff, marshal, deputy marshal,correctional officer, probation and parole officer, constable, wildlifeenforcement agent, or state park warden. Proposed law provides for a fine of not more than $500, imprisonmentfor not more than 60 days, or both.Sent to the Governor

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HB 38WEAPONSState RepresentativeJoseph A. StagniRepublican District 92The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice SUPPORTS this LegislationAbstract: Removes the requirement of annual P.O.S.T.qualification for the use of firearms by qualified retired lawenforcement officers. Present law (R.S. 40:1379.1.4) permits an individual who is aqualified retired law enforcement officer to carry a concealedfirearm anywhere in the state, including any place open to thepublic, if he meets certain eligibility criteria. Proposed law retains present law. Present law (R.S. 40:1379.1.4(B)(5)) requires a qualified retired law enforcement officer to qualifyannually for P.O.S.T. Council certification and to provide proof ofsuch certification. Proposed law repeals present law.Sent to the Governor

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HB 265CRIMINAL RECORDSState RepresentativeBryan FontenotRepublican District 55The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice SUPPORTS this LegislationAbstract: Provides for an additional exception that permits a lawenforcement officer or agency to publish, release, or disseminate abooking photograph. Present law (C.Cr.P. Art. 234(C)) provides that a booking photographas defined in present law shall not be subject to the Public Records Lawand prohibits a law enforcement officer or agency from publishing,releasing, or disseminating a booking photograph to the public or to aprivate person or entity unless: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) The individual is afugitive and such release will assist in apprehending the individual. Theindividual is an imminent threat and such release will assist in reducingor eliminating the threat. A judge orders such release based upon afinding that the release is in furtherance of a legitimate interest. Theindividual is convicted of the crime for which he was arrested. Theindividual is charged with a crime of violence as defined in present law(R.S. 14:2(B)), except stalking, or charged with certain enumeratedoffenses. Proposed law amends present law to add an exception for when anindividual is released on a bail undertaking and the law enforcementofficer or agency is requested to release or disseminate the bookingphotograph to the individual's surety agent.Sent to the Governor

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HB 442LAW ENFORCEMENTState RepresentativeRick EdmondsRepublican District 66The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice SUPPORTS this LegislationAbstract: Provides relative to the funding of bulletproof vests forpeace officers in the state and requires the La. Commission of LawEnforcement to promulgate rules and regulations necessary toprovide for the standards of bulletproof vests. Present law requires the DPS&C to provide bulletproof vests toevery peace officer in the state of La. provided that funds areappropriated for this purpose. Further provides that to the extentthat funds are not appropriated for this purpose, the DPS&C maymake available for purchase to law enforcement agenciesbulletproof vests no longer utilized by the department for which themanufacturer warranty has expired. Proposed law requires the La. Commission on Law Enforcement topromulgate rules and regulations that are necessary to provide forthe standards of bulletproof vests and other rules and regulationsnecessary for the administration and enforcement of this matter.Proposed law creates the Dept. of Public Safety and CorrectionsSpecial Protective Equipment Fund in the state treasury for thepurposes of funding bulletproof vests for peace officers. continued next pagePending Senate Finance

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HB 442LAW ENFORCEMENTState RepresentativeRick EdmondsRepublican District 66The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice SUPPORTS this LegislationProposed law provides that beginning July 1, 2023, the statetreasurer is directed to deposit into the fund at the beginning ofeach fiscal year $8,500,000 dollars. The legislature mayappropriate additional monies to the fund notwithstanding thebalance in the fund. Proposed law authorizes the DPS&C to receive funds, grants,donations, or otherwise, any sum of money, aid, or assistance fromany person, firm, or corporation from the U.S., its agencies, thestate of La., or any political subdivision of the state for the purchaseof bulletproof vests. Proposed law requires that unexpended and unencumbered moniesin the fund at the end of the fiscal year remain in the fund. Furtherrequires monies in the fund to be invested in the same manner asmonies in the general fund. Further provides that interest earned oninvestment of monies be credited to the fund.

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HB 563FUNDS/FUNDINGState RepresentativeClay SchexnayderRepublican District 81The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice SUPPORTS this LegislationAbstract: Provides incentive payments for newly employed lawenforcement officers. Proposed law creates the Law EnforcementRecruitment Incentive Program and corresponding fund for thepurpose of providing one-time incentive payments of $5,000 tocertain newly-employed law enforcement officers in the state.Proposed law provides that to be eligible for the incentive payment,a newly-employed officer shall: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Gainemployment with a sheriff's office, municipal police department, orthe office of state police on or after July 1, 2023. Have never beforebeen employed as a La. law enforcement officer. Maintaincontinuous full-time employment with an eligible agency for a leasttwo years. Have permanent job duties that include making arrests,performing searches and seizures, or executing criminal warrants.Be responsible for the prevention or detection of crime or for theenforcement of the penal, traffic, or highway laws of this state. BePOST-certified by the date on which employment begins. Proposed law provides that any elected or appointed head of a lawenforcement department is not eligible for an incentive paymentpursuant to the program. Proposed law provides for thereimbursement of payments by any officer who receives funds andfails to maintain employment for two years. continued next pageSent to the Governor

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HB 563FUNDS/FUNDINGState RepresentativeClay SchexnayderRepublican District 81The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice SUPPORTS this LegislationProposed law requires requests for incentive payments for newly-employed officers to be submitted as follows: (1) Requests forincentive payments for deputy sheriffs shall be submitted by thesheriff of the respective parish to the Deputy Sheriff'sSupplemental Pay Board for review and approval. (2) Requests forincentive payments for municipal police officers shall besubmitted by the chief of police of the respective municipality tothe Supplemental Pay Board of Review for Municipal PoliceOfficers for review and approval. (3) Requests for incentivepayments for law enforcement officers employed by the office ofstate police shall be submitted pursuant to rules promulgated bythe State Police Commission. Proposed law requires the approving entity to submit theapproved request to the state treasurer for payment to theemploying agency. Proposed law requires local civil servicesystems to promulgate rules as necessary to implement theprogram. Proposed law terminates the program on July 1, 2025,and authorizes the treasurer to transfer any unexpended andunencumbered monies remaining in the fund at that time to thestate general fund. Effective upon signature of governor or lapseof time for gubernatorial action.

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SB 33SUPPLEMENTAL PAYState SenatorMack A. "Bodi" White Jr.Republican District 6The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice SUPPORTS this LegislationPresent law provides that in addition to compensation now paid byany municipality, parish, fire protection district, or other politicalsubdivision maintaining a fire department, or by the Chitimacha Tribeof Louisiana or the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana, or by any nonprofitcorporation contracting with a political subdivision to provide fireprotection services to every paid, regularly employed employee whois paid not less than three hundred dollars per month, not includingsupplemental pay, as distinguished from part-time employees andvolunteers of the fire department, who are carried on the payroll ofthe fire department, and every employee who is paid from funds ofthe parish or municipality or tribe obtained through lawfully adoptedbond issues, lawfully assessed taxes, or other funds available for thepurpose, either directly or through a board or commission set up bylaw or ordinance of the parish or municipality or tribe, shall be paidextra compensation by the state in the amount of $500 per month foreach paid employee who has completed or who hereafter completesone year of service. Proposed law increases the amount of additional compensation paidby the state from $500 to $600 per month. Present law requires thatevery fire protection officer employed on a full-time basis by a portauthority headquartered in the city of continued next pageSent to the Governor

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SB 33SUPPLEMENTAL PAYState SenatorMack A. "Bodi" White Jr.Republican District 6The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice SUPPORTS this LegislationNew Orleans, and full-time fire protection officers employed by thePlaquemines Port Harbor and Terminal District, be paid extracompensation by the state in the amount of $500 per month inaddition to the compensation now paid by his employer out ofselfgenerated revenue attributable to the agency employing the fireprotection officers. Requires each officer to have completed oneyear of service, and that those hired after March 31, 1986, also tohave completed and passed a certified fireman's training programequal to National Fire Protection Association Standard 1001Firefighter I Certification or a firefighter's training program asapproved by the office of state fire marshal Fire and EmergencyTraining Academy in accordance with law, or other state or federallyapproved maritime firefighter training program. Proposed law increases the amount of additional compensation paidby the state from $500 to $600 per month. Present law requiresthat every commissioned deputy sheriff employed on a full-timebasis shall be paid extra compensation by the state out of moniesappropriated. continued next page

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SB 33SUPPLEMENTAL PAYState SenatorMack A. "Bodi" White Jr.Republican District 6The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice SUPPORTS this LegislationPresent law provides that any deputy sheriff hired after March 31,1986, primarily to perform purely clerical or nonenforcement duties,including but not limited to typists, office machine operators,switchboard operators, filing clerks, stenoclerks, stenographers,animal shelter personnel, school crossing guards, secretaries, cooks,mechanics, and maintenance personnel, whether or not a dulycommissioned deputy sheriff or POST-certified, is not deemed to bea commissioned deputy sheriff entitled to additional compensationout of state funds.Proposed law retains these provisions and requires the sheriff, out offunds appropriated for payment by the state of extra compensation,to pay additional compensation for full-time commissioned deputysheriffs, and for those hired after March 31, 1986, who havecompleted and passed a council-approved training program and whoare paid a salary of not less than three hundred fifty dollars permonth, in the amount of $500 per month for each full-timecommissioned deputy sheriff at the completion of one year ofservice. continued next page

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SB 33SUPPLEMENTAL PAYState SenatorMack A. "Bodi" White Jr.Republican District 6The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice SUPPORTS this LegislationProposed law increases this amount from $500 to $600 per month.Present law provides that any full-time deputy sheriff employed as afield representative or process server and who is paid a salary of notless than three hundred fifty dollars per month is entitled to receiveextra compensation in the amount of $500 per month at thecompletion of one year of service provided the field representativeor process server has completed and passed a council-approvedtraining program as provided by law. Proposed law increases this amount from $500 to $600 per month.Present law requires that additional compensation to be paid by thestate in the amount of $500 per month to any harbor police officer,fireboat operator, and bridge police officer, every harbor policeofficer, fireboat employee, and bridge police officer who is a full-time employee of a political subdivision of the state; and who is paida salary of not less than eight hundred dollars per month; and whohas completed and passed a POST-certified training program asprovided law; and who has completed or who hereafter completesone year of service. Proposed law increases this amount from $500 to $600 per month.

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Present law provides relative to the crime of illegal carrying of weapons,defined in pertinent part as the intentional concealment of any firearm onone's person. Proposed law retains present law. Present law provides an exception topresent law for any law enforcement officer who is retired from full-timeactive law enforcement service with at least 12 years service, and for anyenforcement officer of the office of state parks who is retired from activeduty as an enforcement officer. Present law further provides that for thisexception to apply, the retired officer must have valid identification as aretired law enforcement officer and must be qualified annually in the use offirearms by the Council on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST).Proposed law deletes the present law requirement of annual firearmsqualification and provides that the retired officer need only have beenproperly certified by POST at the time of retirement, in accordance withpresent law relative to exceptions to the concealed handgun permit (CHP)requirement. Proposed law also provides an exception to present law for any retiredelected head of a law enforcement department, provided that he wasfirearms qualified by POST at the time of retirement. Present law providesthe requirements for obtaining a CHP, and provides an exception to thoserequirements for retired law enforcement officers. Proposed law makes thepresent law exception to the crime of illegal carrying of weapons for retiredlaw enforcement officers consistent with the present law exception to CHPrequirements. Proposed law otherwise retains present law. SB 130LAW ENFORCEMENTState SenatorJohn C. "Jay" Morris IIIRepublican District 35The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice SUPPORTS this LegislationSent to the Governor

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HB 89MOTOR VEHICLESState RepresentativeC. Denise MarcelleDemocrat District 61The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice OPPOSES this LegislationAbstract: Repeals a provision that specifies that the collection andreporting of traffic stop statistical data is inapplicable to lawenforcement entities with written policies against racial profiling. Present law (R.S. 32:398.10(A)) requires all law enforcement officersto record and retain certain statistical data; including the following:(1) the number of people stopped for traffic violations; (2) identifyinginformation of people stopped; (3) the nature of the alleged trafficviolation; (4) whether a citation was issued, an arrest made, or asearch conducted as a result of the stop; (5) if a search occurred,the type of search conducted, legal basis for the search, andcontraband or property seized; and (6) the number of peoplestopped for certain wireless communication and cell phoneinfractions. Present law (R.S. 32:389.10(E)) provides an exception to theapplication of present law for law enforcement entities that adopt awritten policy against racial profiling. Proposed law repeals the exception in present law.Favorably AmendedSent to the Governor

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HB 543CIVIL LIABILITYState RepresentativeEdmond JordanDemocrat District 29The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice OPPOSES this LegislationAbstract: Provides for procedures when engaging in vehicle pursuitof a suspect and provides for strict liability for an agency,department, or office in certain circumstances. Present law (R.S. 32:24) provides for requirements of an authorizedemergency vehicle when responding to an emergency call or when inpursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law. Present lawprovides that the driver or rider of an authorized vehicle shall have aduty to drive or ride with due regard for the safety of all persons. Proposed law retains present law but sets forth requirements forpeace officers when initiating or assisting in a pursuit. Proposed lawprovides that the peace officer's primary concern is the risk to publicsafety and to continually evaluate the situation and terminate thepursuit when the totality of risks to the public safety clearlyoutweighs the need for immediate apprehension. continued next pagePending House Civil

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HB 543CIVIL LIABILITYState RepresentativeEdmond JordanDemocrat District 29The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice OPPOSES this LegislationProposed law provides that prior to initiating, becoming involved in,or continuing a pursuit, the officer shall consider the following: (1) (2)(3) (4) (5) (6) Violation the suspect is known for, wanted for, orsuspected of. Imminent danger to the public based on the totality ofthe circumstances. Time of day. Potential danger if the offender is notapprehended immediately. Positive identification of the driver. Otherconsiderations including surroundings and limitations of equipmentand vehicles. Proposed law provides that the considerations provided in proposedlaw shall be continually evaluated throughout the duration of thepursuit. Proposed law provides for procedures when a peace officerdeploys lawful intervention techniques such as tire deflation devicesand roadblocks. Peace officers shall report deployment tothesupervising officer for documentation. Proposed law provides that the dispatch center shall be notified whena pursuit is initiated. continued next page

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HB 543CIVIL LIABILITYState RepresentativeEdmond JordanDemocrat District 29The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice OPPOSES this LegislationProposed law provides that the dispatch center shall receivenotifications of the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Description of thesuspect vehicle, suspect, number of visible occupants, location,direction of travel, and reason for the pursuit. Continualnotifications of the description and current location of pursuedvehicle and route of travel. Advise other units to hold all non-emergency radio transmissions. Use discretion and brevity in allradio transmissions. Upon termination of a pursuit, initiate adispatch for resumption of routine radio traffic. Proposed law provides that peace officers shall not discharge afirearm at or from a vehicle or use police vehicles except insituations where deadly force is allowed by law. Proposed lawprovides for procedures where peace officers shall set uproadblocks. Proposed law provides for procedures when peaceofficers use tire deflation devices. Proposed law provides for procedures when peace officers mayemploy a precision immobilization technique maneuver. Proposedlaw provides for the termination of pursuits either by the peaceofficer or any supervisor. continued next page

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HB 543CIVIL LIABILITYState RepresentativeEdmond JordanDemocrat District 29The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice OPPOSES this LegislationProposed law provides that pursuits that cross state lines shall onlybe made in accordance with policies of the pursuing agency andthe laws of the state that is being entered. Proposed law provides that if a peace officer or employee fails tocomply with proposed law the law enforcement agency,department, or office shall be held strictly liable for damagescaused by its peace officers or employees while in pursuit of avehicle and such pursuit results in serious bodily injury or death. Proposed law provides that in addition to special damages, theplaintiff may be awarded court costs, reasonable attorney fees, andexemplary damages. Proposed law defines "authorized emergency vehicle", "lawfulintervention technique", "parallel", "peace officer", "precisionimmobilization technique", "pursuit", "termination of a pursuit", and"vehicle".Proposed law provides that the provisions of proposedlaw shall be prospective and retroactive to pending actions at thetime of the passage of proposed law.

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HB 322MOTOR VEHICLESState RepresentativeMatthew WillardDemocrat District 97The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice OPPOSES this LegislationAbstract: Specifies that certain violations are secondary offenses thatcannot be used as grounds for a stop absent a primary moving violation.Present law requires that pedestrians crossing a roadway at any point otherthan within a marked cross walk or within an unmarked crosswalk at anintersection yield the right of way to all vehicles upon the roadway. Proposed law makes a violation of present law a secondary offense. Presentlaw requires all vehicles be equipped, when required, with the proper stoplamps on the rear of the vehicle displaying a red light, visible from adistance not less than 300 feet to the rear in normal sunlight. Additionally,requires, when applicable, that a vehicle be equipped with electric turnsignals that indicate an intention to turn by flashing lights. Proposed law specifies that a violation of present law constitutes anonmoving offense and is a secondary offense where the driver should notbe stopped, unless it is in connection with a primary moving violation. Present law prohibits the exhaust system of a motor vehicle from beingmodified by any person in a manner which would increase the noise emittedby the motor of such vehicle and specifies that the muffler originallyinstalled on the vehicle to comply with all requirements. continued next pageFailed House Passage

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HB 322MOTOR VEHICLESState RepresentativeMatthew WillardDemocrat District 97The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice OPPOSES this LegislationProposed law specifies that a violation of present law constitutes anonmoving violation and is a secondary offense where the drivershould not be stopped, unless it is in connection with a primarymoving violation. Present law prohibits any person from operatinga motor vehicle with any object or material placed on the frontwindshield or front side windows of the vehicle so as to obstructthe diver's clear view through the windshields. Proposed law specifies that a violation of present law constitutes anonmoving violation and is a secondary offense where the drivershould not be stopped, unless it is in connection with a primarymoving violation. Present law requires an owner or operator of amotor vehicle to obtain a current and valid inspection certificateat least once every other year. Specifies that failure to obtain therequired inspectioncertificate is not a violation, provided that thecertificate expired less than one month ago to be deemed valid. Proposed law makes the expiration on the inspection sticker validif it is less than four months overdue. Specifies that a violation ofpresent law constitutes a nonmoving violation and is a secondaryoffense where the driver should not be stopped, unless it is inconnection with a primary moving violation.

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HB 557CRIMINAL/PROCEDUREState RepresentativeRodney LyonsDemocrat District 87The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice OPPOSES this LegislationAbstract: Provides relative to a law enforcement officer's search of aperson's motor vehicle. Present law (C.Cr.P. Art. 215.1) provides that alaw enforcement officer may stop a person in a public place when hereasonably suspects that the person is committing, has committed, oris about to commit an offense and may demand of the person hisname, address, and an explanation of his actions. Further provides forcircumstances that permit a law enforcement officer to frisk or searchthe person he has stopped. Proposed law retains present law. Present law (C.Cr.P. Art. 215.1(D))provides that during detention of an alleged violator of any provisionof the motor vehicle laws of this state, an officer may not detain amotorist for a period of time longer than reasonably necessary tocomplete the investigation of the violation and issuance of a citationfor the violation, absent reasonable suspicion of additional criminalactivity. Further provides that nothing shall prohibit a peace officer fromcompelling or instructing the motorist to comply with administrativeor other legal requirements of present law (Title 32 or Title 47 of theLa. Revised Statutes of 1950) continued next pagePending House CriminalJustice

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HB 557CRIMINAL/PROCEDUREState RepresentativeRodney LyonsDemocrat District 87The Louisiana Fraternal Order ofPolice OPPOSES this LegislationProposed law retains present law but provides that if the officer hasreasonable suspicion of additional criminal activity, he shall informthe motorist of his right to refuse the request to search or inspect hismotor vehicle or its contents before conducting any search of themotor vehicle or its contents. Further provides that if the motoristrefuses, the officer shall not conduct a search or inspection of themotor vehicle or its contents without a search warrant. Proposed law provides that an officer who obtains consent from amotorist to search his motor vehicle or its contents pursuant toproposed law may conduct a search of the motor vehicle only if theofficer has a written, visual, or audio record from the motoristconfirming his informed and voluntary consent to the search of hismotor vehicle or its contents.

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QUICK GUIDEOTHER SUPPORTED LEGISLATIONHB95 by Representative Bryan Fontenot SUPPLEMENTAL PAY: Provides relative to supplemental pay forNicholls State University campus policeCurrent Status: Pending House AppropriationsHB362 by Representative Bryan FontenotPOLICE/MUNICIPAL: Provides relative to the qualifications of anelected or appointed police chiefCurrent Status: Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and CulturalAffairsHB321 by Representative Debbie Villio CRIMINAL/JUSTICE: Creates the Truth and Transparency in theLouisiana Criminal Justice System Pilot ProgramCurrent Status: Pending House Administration of Criminal JusticePendingSent to GovernorPending

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QUICK GUIDEOTHER SUPPORTED LEGISLATIONHB76 by Representative R. Dewith CarrierSUPPLEMENTAL PAY: Provides relative to supplemental pay fortribal officers of the Coushatta Tribe of La.Current Status: Pending House AppropriationsHB284 by Representative Joseph Marino WEAPONS/FIREARMS: Provides relative to the crime of possessionof a firearm by a person convicted of certain feloniesCurrent Status: Pending House Administration of Criminal JusticeHB65 by Representative Debbie Villio CRIME: Designates the crime of burglary of an inhabited dwellingas a crime of violenceCurrent Status: Pending House Administration of Criminal JusticeHB66 by Representative Debbie Villio CORRECTIONS/PRISONERS: Provides relative to forfeiture of goodtime creditCurrent Status: Pending House Administration of Criminal JusticePendingSent to GovernorPendingPending

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QUICK GUIDEOTHER SUPPORTED LEGISLATIONHB34 by Representative Tony Bacala RETIREMENT/MUNICIPAL POL: Provides relative to the fundingdeposit account for Municipal Police Employees' Retirement Systemand authorizes the board of trustees of the system to modifyemployer contributions (OR NO IMPACT APV)Current Status: Pending House RetirementHB47 by Representative Richard Nelson APPROPRIATIONS: (Constitutional Amendment) To require thelegislature to appropriate no less than twenty-five percent ofnonrecurring state revenues for application to certain stateretirement system unfunded accrued liability (OR SEE FISC NOTEGF EX)Current Status: Pending House AppropriationsSB127 by Senator Royce Duplessis TAX/AD VALOREM: Constitutional amendment to authorize thelocal governing authority of each parish to provide a limited advalorem tax exemption for qualified first responders. (2/3 -CA13s1(A)) (OR DECREASE LF RV See Note)Current Status: Pending Senate Revenue and Fiscal AffairsHB559 by Representative Malinda White TRANSPORTATION DEPT: Provides relative to the Department ofTransportation and Development enforcement officersCurrent Status: Pending House Transportation, Highways, andPublic WorksSent to GovernorSent to GovernorPendingSent to Governor

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QUICK GUIDEOTHER SUPPORTED LEGISLATIONSB158 by Senator Eddie Lambert WEAPONS: Provides for the protection of schools. (gov sig)Current Status: Pending Senate EducationPending

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QUICK GUIDEOTHER OPPOSED LEGISLATIONHB134 by Representative C. Denise Marcelle CIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL: Provides relative to the qualificationsof members of the municipal fire and police civil service board inthe city of Baton RougeCurrent Status: Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and CulturalAffairsPending

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QU I CK GU I DELA W E N FO R CE M EN T L E GI S LA T IO NHB137 by Representative Adrian Fisher CIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL: Provides relative to the secretary ofthe municipal fire and police civil service board for the city ofMonroeCurrent Status: Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and CulturalAffairsHB163 by Representative Larry Selders CIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL: Provides relative to the secretary ofthe Baton Rouge municipal fire and police civil service boardCurrent Status: Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and CulturalAffairsHB540 by Representative Blake MiguezPORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS: Establishes a port and harborpolice force for ports meeting certain requirementsCurrent Status: Pending House Transportation, Highways, andPublic WorksSB17 by Senator Barrow Peacock LOCAL RETIREMENT: Provides for the composition, terms, powers,and duties of the Shreveport police and firefighters' pension boardsof trustees. (gov sig) (OR NO IMPACT APV)Current Status: Pending Senate RetirementSent to GovernorSent to GovernorSent to GovernorSent to Governor

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QU I CK GU I DELA W E N FO R CE M EN T L E GI S LA T IO NSB212 by Senator Royce Duplessis WEAPONS: Provides for the seizure of firearms from persons whopose a risk of imminent injury to self or others. (8/1/23)Current Status: Pending Senate Judiciary CSB18 by Senator Ed Price RETIREMENT SYSTEMS: Provides for benefit increases for retirees,beneficiaries, and survivors of state retirement systems and thefunding therefor. (2/3-CA10s(29)(F)) (gov sig)Current Status: Pending Senate RetirementSent to GovernorPending Jud C