Secretary UpdatesNational Fraternal Order of PoliceJune 2018Recap – 2018 Police WeekWanted-Subject Matter ExpertsNational HQ MemorialMember of the Year DeadlineGive BackCops & KidsAnd more...INSIDE THIS ISSUEPatrick YoesNational [email protected] Order of PoliceNational Headquarters1-800-451-2711701 Marriott Dr.Nashville, TN 37214© 2018 National Fraternal Order of PoliceFraternal Order of Police Honors 199 Fallen Heroes in Washington on May 15, 201837thAnnual National Peace Officer’s Memorial ServicePhoto by Thomas J. Lemmer
Advancement of the ColorsUnited States Capitol PoliceNational AnthemSgt. Christopher WilburnIndianapolis Police Dept.InvocationChaplain Phil WigginsNational Fraternal Order of PoliceRemarksPresident Chuck CanterburyNational Fraternal Order of PoliceAuxiliary President Linda HennieNational Fraternal Order of Police AuxiliaryVice President Mike PenceUnited States of AmericaBranch & DeanNational Recording ArtistPresident Donald TrumpUnited States of America“Not a Day Goes By”Patrolman Dustin DiernfeltKansas City Police Dept.“I’ll Stand By You”Ginny WoolridgeNational Fraternal Order of Police AuxiliaryGrand Lodge Fraternal Order of PoliceThirty-Seventh AnnualNational Peace Officers’ Memorial Service
For more information, contact VP Terry Whitlock at [email protected] Funeral Services provides families of law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty with a tribute worthy of their valor and sacrifice.At no charge to the family, Wilbert will donate a customized Wilbert Stainless Steel Triune® burial vault when traditional burial is chosen.If the choice is cremation, the family can choose any urn offered by Wilbert. If the cremated remains are to be buried, a Stainless Steel Triune urn vault is also provided at no charge.Each burial vault or urn vault is customized with a Wilbert Legacy Series print depicting the hero's profession that is personalized with photos.Line of Duty Funeral Services Offered at No Cost
For additional information, email [email protected] National FOP Board Members died in the line ofduty. They are memorialized on our Wall of Honor atyour National Headquarters Office in Nashville. Withan initial donation of five 16” x 16” black graniteplaques by the St. Charles Lodge #15, my long-standing goal of constructing a Memorial to ourfallen board members at the base of the flag poleswill soon be a reality. To complete this project, aconcreate base needs to be constructed where theblack granite tiles will be affixed. The cost tocomplete this memorial will be under $8,000. If anylodge would like to contribute to this memorial,please forward donations to the Grand Lodge andnote National HQ Memorial in the memo section.National FOP HQ Fallen Officers Memorial
Fraternal Order of PoliceLegal DefenseWWW.FOP.NETLegal defense protection is a necessity for law enforcement professionals. As the frequency and cost of allegations rise, the FOP Legal Defense Plan offers you and your lodge members a very affordable and comprehensive plan.Full CoverageGroup RateFull CoverageIndividual Rate Group Rate Individual Rate$264 $282 $64 $68 AdministrativeAdministrativeCriminalCriminal Criminal Criminal CivilCivil Civil CivilLodgesMay elect to pay annually, semi-annually or quarterly. Lodges may also have their payments automatically deducted from their checking account.IndividualsMay pay either annually or semi-annually.Payment may be made by check, money order or PayPal. (Credit/debit are only accepted through PayPal). Please make checks payable to FOP Legal Plan, Inc.
Jack Dudek Member of the Year AwardNomination GuidelinesThe Member of the Year award is the most prestigious acknowledgment that our membership can bestow on one of its own. It is an honor that is given each year, either at the Fall Board Meeting or at our National Biennial Conference.In 2018 the Member of the Year Award Committee will determine who will receive this distinguished award at the Fall National Board Meeting in Independence, Ohio.The Jack Dudek Member of the Year Award was established as a means of rewarding an individual member for his or her service and dedication to the community, his or her department, and the Fraternal Order of Police on the local, state and national levels.Nomination GuidelinesLine of Duty DeathsImmediately upon notification of a line of duty death, the National FOP Foundation ships, “next day delivery,” a memorial box set to the agency of the fallen. The set includes a funeral sign in book and note cards with related artwork. If your Lodge has a Line of duty death, email [email protected]. If you prefer delivery to the Lodge please include that information.
FREE COLLEGE TO FOP MEMBERS & FAMILIES❑ Human Resources Concentration/Business Management Degree❑ Health Care Management Concentration/Business Management Degree❑ Marketing Concentration/Business Management Degree❑ Finance Concentration/Business Management Degree❑ Business Management Certificate❑ Accounting Concentration/Business Management Certificate❑ Accounting Degree❑ Patient Navigator Certificate❑ Paralegal Degree❑ Associate of Individualized Study DegreeNEW❑ Entrepreneurship/Business Management❑ Labor Studies/Business ManagementIn additions to the programs already offered:❑ Associate of Arts Degree❑ Criminal Justice Degree❑ Early Childhood Education Degree❑ Business Management DegreeFor more information on this exciting educational opportunityfor FOP and FOPA Members and their families call 888-590-9009.
BASIC MEMBER DETAILS is the first screen on each member’s record. That page has vital information necessary for the local, state and national lodges. Most records are currently being underutilized because of missing information such as phone number, date of birth and email addresses. Lodges can view the phone number and email address along with name, address and membership number in the membership roster if these areas are populated, saving valuable time and allowing for quick contact to the member. Member Details - Edit/SaveStanding Rules for Use of “The Marks”• Lodge identification• Civic activities *• Special occasions ** Still require written requestNo one knows the dangers and the difficulties faced by today's police officers better than another officer, and no one knows police officers better than the FOP”Administrative
WANTEDFOP Subject Matter Experts• Modern Police Performance Management (e.g. CompStat)• Crime Analysis• Active Shooter Response• Prosecution Coordination and Partnerships• Public Sector Coordination and Partnerships• Private Sector Coordination and Partnerships• Tribal Law Enforcement• Intelligence and Information Sharing• Focused Deterrence• Gun Violence Reduction and Prevention• Problem Solving Techniques • Proactive Policing• Mass Casualty Response• Officer Safety and Wellness• Mass Demonstration Response• Gangs• Violent Crime Reduction and Prevention• Drug-related Crime• Shared Service Models• Community Engagement• De-escalation• Crisis Intervention• At-Risk Youth• Domestic Violence Reduction and Prevention• Human Trafficking• School SafetyIf you have the expertise, ability, and time to instruct, teach, or mentor in any of the areas listed above the FOP needs you. Contact National Sgt. at Arms Keith Turney at [email protected] for application forms that will allow you access to become a paid resource to the Collaborative Reform Initiative - Technical Assistance Center CRI-TAC). In partnership with
To access, visit FOP.NET and click on the CRI-TAC logo
To access, visit FOP.NET and click on the CRI-TAC logo
To access, visit FOP.NET and click on the CRI-TAC logo
due by May 1, 2018. Any lodge that has not paid First Half is currently suspended and will need to forward First Half and Last Half payment to become current.An Officer Roster must be submitted yearly to both the State and Grand Lodge. This is necessary to ensure that local lodges receive important information, membership cards and maintain access to the National FOP Member Information System. If your lodge does not submit an Office Roster, the Information System automatically removes elected officers when the TERM DATE (completed by the lodge) expires and your lodge will no longer have access to those functions. Please contact the Membership Department (Elesha, Christina or Roxie) if you have any questions on your current Officer Roster or how to access that information, 800-451-27112ndHalf Per Capita DueLast Half Per Capita was sent out on February 28, 2018 to all lodges that have not paid a Full Year. Last Half payment is
Charity Begins at HomeThe Grand Lodge offers an electronic platform that makes it easy for members to su pportthe National FOP Foundation, the National FOP PAC Fund and their State and Local FOPFoundations. T he program is called GiveBack, and it provides a web-based platform forFOP Members to raise and donate money to the charitable and political causes that aremost important to them.Since implemented, the program has raised thousands of dollars each month for both theNational RFOP Foundation and National PAC Fund. In addition, state lodges are alsoreceiving much nee ded funds for their state foundations.The GiveBack platform is a powerful tool for t he FOP to promote our charities internally tomembers, friends and family and to the general public. TASC has also specially developeda unique platform for promoting and receiving NFOP PAC Funds from members. The siteempowers officers and their families to give more, and allows a convenient way topromote our memorial serv ices and other programs to the tens of millions of potentialsupporters nationwide.Members and non-members can set up recurring donations to their favorite c haritiesand/or set money aside throughout the year for charitable giving. At year-end, GiveBackprovides a consolidated tax receipt, itemizing the tax deductions for each donor. Onlymembers can contribute to the FOP PAC Fund.A ser vice fee of $1.00 per monthly transaction will be deducted from the donation.$5$5$5Cops Representing Cops
For more information about the FOP Giveback Program and how your Lodge and State Lodge can take advantage of this fundraising platform, contact Gena Moore at [email protected] 0r call 586-360-8913
Cards Available CARDS CAN ONLY BE ORDERED BY LODGE PRESIDENT OR SECRETARYFor more information contact Matthew Phillips: Phone: (800) 451-2711 or email: [email protected] Membershipis presented to individuals recognized by the Grand, State Local Lodges for exceptional service or contribution to the nation, the state, political subdivision, the law enforcement community or FOPLifetime Membershipis presented by a Local Lodge to a member that the Lodge pledges to pay the annual local and state per capita for their life. Card is only valid when accompanied with the current year’s membership card.Retired Membershipis presented to a member upon retirement. Card is only valid when accompanied with the current year’s membership card
PROMOTE COMMUNITY SUPPORTHelp families in need in your community during the upcoming holidays. All FOP Lodges are allowed royalty free use of the NFOP’s registered trademark “Cops and Kids” Email [email protected] a licensing agreement.Updated NFOP Constitution & By-LawsThe National Fraternal Order of Police Constitution & By-Laws have been updated from Amendment changes made at the 63rdBiennial Conference in Nashville, TN. To request an updated electronic pdf version please email Lori Harris at [email protected]. TourThe Board of Trustees assembled in Seattle, WA for the 2018 Spring Board Meeting adopted a standing rule that passes along the penalty fees charged to the NFOP for NSF checks we deposit.Presently, that fee is $12.00.Standing Rule: Any returned check payable to the Grand Lodge that results in a bank penalty to NFOP shall be paid alongside the original amount owed. In keeping with the Grand Lodge Constitution & By-Laws, these payments must be received in order to return the lodge to status of Good Standing as defined in Article 3, Section 1, Paragraph D.NSF Fees Apply
Lodge Fidelity InsuranceArticle 19 of the F.O.P. Constitution and Bylaws requires each state and local lodge to maintain employee dishonesty coverage to protect lodge funds from dishonest acts by lodge members.You can obtain this policy from any carrier. You can also obtain coverage at: Production of Membership CardsNational Constitution & By-Laws Article 31, Section 2 states: “The official dues card of the Grand Lodge shall be printed thereby, shall be pre-numbered and shall be of a different color each year. No state lodge, subordinate lodge or member thereof shall print or cause to be printed, a replica of the official dues card of the Grand Lodge nor shall any member use any other dues card for Active Members.”
Official FOP Merchandise ProviderWWW.FOP.NET
“At your National Headquarters, our dedicated staff see it as our mission to make the Secretary job as seamless as possible so you can focus your energy on what'simportant... our members!"National Fraternal Order of Police Staff701 Marriott Dr. Nashville, TN 37214(800) 451-2711Patrick YoesNational Secretary